


We are here to engage in self-discovery, leverage our passions and develop personslized strategies that allow us to serve our staff, families and world more effectively. 



You have a BRAIN that reacts to the natural world and a MIND that narrates your reality. The work is to educate and align them in order to respond effectively to reality as it is moment to moment.



Your Soul/Self has a set of values and sense of purpose. Identifying and aligning with values and purpose create a natural, resilient flow state, and allows us to manage and relate effectively.



I'm a highly productive, highly creative woman who's learned the hard way that a linear model of success just doesn't work for many of us!

I've been running fitness businesses for 15 years, parenting and for a few of those and diving deeply into what makes humans tick and thrive.

If you're struggling to balance your Wild inner creative with your type-a, deeply driven Self to achieve a sense of passion, productivity and purpose -- you're in the right place.

B.S., RYT 200, SFG II, Z Health (R,I,S,T 9S)

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